I’d imagine that working in local news is a pain in the ass. You need to fill up hours per day with all kinds of shit and yesterday, KGBT Channel 4 did their absolute best.
As the temperatures around the Valley have soared well above 100 degrees, the Sinclair Broadcasting bots of KGBT have been taking to Facebook Live over the weekend to conduct “experiments” in the name of…science(?) and news(?) to remind everyone living in the Valley means that we live in a molten hellpit.
To kick things off, KGBT amazingly spent three and a half human hours Saturday filming a sheet of sugar cookies baking in a car.
For their next installment, Not-Tim-Smith tried to outdo himself by cracking open an egg to see if it would fry on the pavement.
To “heat up” (amirite?) this segment, they peppered in some light commentary (@ 57:50 “Yeah actually we had one viewer who said ‘we actually gave the egg its fate whether it was going to move towards the fork or knife’ and apparently, it wants to be knifed.”) and busted out a ketchup dip packet (unsure as to why) and piece of a Hershey’s bar because news.
About an hour and a half later, because somebody had to put this segment out of its misery, we were blessed by KGBT Channel 4 reporter Patrick Chalvire offering up to eat the egg straight off of the ground.
We were not disappointed:
In case you were wondering, yes, Marybel Gonzalez DOES have an Emmy AND has a Master’s in Journalism from Columbia University.
Keep chasing that Pulitzer, guys.